There are all kinds of ways to find your earnings model, but they are hardly inspiring or directly applicable. As a creator you have to get everything out of yourself, and that's not always easy. Creative entrepreneurship is essential, especially in these times. SKAR would like to help you on your way. That is why SKAR recommends The Profit Models.
De Verdienmodellen helps you make money, to the point, especially for you and sometimes just a bit too honest. Results count, that's why De Verdienmodellen promises to invest in you, with time, brainpower, creativity, love and connections. Make your own earnings model in their new course:
What's your value, estimate?
- from € 350,- (ex vat)
6 weekly lessons of 2 hours:
- Dutch language course: thursdays 10.00-12.00
Costs: € 350,- p.p. ex VAT (can be done in 2 parts)
The topics you cover are:
- What are your values?
- What do you actually do and how do you turn that into something marketable?
- Who do you want to reach?
- How do you reach who you want to reach with what you do?
- How all of the above come together
- And how to make money with it
Be awesome and make money!
No fill-in-the-blank exercise or set method; a combination of who you are, tough love and experience.
You can read more about What's Your Value, Estimate Here.
Or read the entire offering at