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Great Rotterdam Atelier Weekend

This weekend, Rotterdam is all about the Great Rotterdam Atelier Weekend, and many of our tenants are opening their doors. With more than twenty SKAR locations participating! Hereby a warm welcome and good luck to all participants.

Grand Rotterdam Atelier Weekend
September 21 and 22 from 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

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Greater Rotterdam Atelier Survey 2024

On behalf of SKAR, we would like to inform you of the following:

Calling all Rotterdam artists, makers and creatives!
Do you have a studio or are you looking for creative workspace? Fill out the Greater Rotterdam Atelier Survey 2024 now, completely anonymous and within minutes.

The survey is an independent research for and by creative makers, to gain insight into the current situation regarding workspaces in Rotterdam. Click on the link!

The results of the first survey in 2020 brought awareness and led to policy adjustments, included in the Rotterdam Atelier and Breeding Place Policy 2023-2030. New facts and figures are now needed to continue the debate and take action for sufficient and affordable creative workspaces and a more sustainable policy.

The survey is a voluntary initiative of Annejet Gosselink (@grootrotterdamsatelierweekend), Jette Schneider (@time_window), and Sander van Wettum (Photographer and @atelierunierotterdam) and is independently conducted by Katta Rasche (illustrator and art and culture researcher) with support from Elisa Matse (anthropologist and curator).

Please share this survey in your network.

Your input is crucial - together we are stronger!

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On-site gutters

Fall is coming again, so the leaves will fall from the trees again. Therefore, we would like to ask you to keep a close eye on your gutters to prevent leaks. Do you suspect your gutters on site are full of leaves and/or other debris?

If so, please let us know via repair request on the website.

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Glad to see you

The Three Friends Street cordially invite you to the grand opening of "Glad to See You." On display will be work by Douwe Halbertsma and Droom.Iris.

Glad to See You is an initiative of Touw van Eck and Douwe Halbertsma; a platform for art, design and ideas that can be seen from the street.

Glad to See You!
Saturday, September 21 at 5:00 p.m.
Three Friends Street 26.

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Information from your co-tenant

Do you have a co-tenant or are you expecting a new co-tenant soon? If so, please let us know by filling out the co-tenancy form. This helps us get a good overview of the use of the rooms and the number of people in the building.

Request the form at and return it completed to rental.

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Robert Fruinstraat 52
3021 XE Rotterdam

P.O. Box 1995
3000 BZ Rotterdam

010 - 4127828
(Mon to Fri - 9.00 to 17.00)

010 - 4141511

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