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SKAR has a candidate list. If a space becomes available, we will see who fits in best. So the candidate list is not based on the 'first come, first served' principle. Nor can we say how long it will take you to get there. However, you can count on us to do our best to find you a place as soon as possible.
If we accept your application, we will charge an administration fee. The costs are annually 15 euros including VAT.
Sign up for workspace
Prices and costs
Rents vary by building. You can assume an average of 62.36 euros per m2 per year.
On top of that there are service costs. These include for gas, water, light, garbage collection and various other charges. These also differ per building. On average they are 20 euros per m2 per year.
Our goal is to find you a workspace that suits you best. Do you produce large paintings? Then we'll look for a large, bright space. Do you do graphic work on the computer? Then we'll find a nice place for it.
SKAR has many different types of rooms available. From large, high spaces to office spaces. The spaces are on average 45 m2. We rent out permanent, temporary and project spaces. You can specify exactly what you are looking for.
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