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Annual reports
and board

The annual reports of SKAR are open to everyone. We find it important to be open and transparent. Therefore we subscribe to the Governance Code Culture. SKAR also follows the Diversity and Inclusion Code.

Governance Code Culture

Policy plan SKAR

SKAR werkt momenteel aan haar publieksversie beleidsplan voor de periode 2025-2029. Dit plan zal voortbouwen op eerdere strategieën en richt zich op verduurzaming en het verbeteren van werkplekken voor kunstenaars. U kunt deze hier downloaden.

In 2020, SKAR adopted its policy plan for the period 2021-2025. The document, entitled From monasteries and clusters , can be downloaded here.

This builds on the multi-year policy plan adopted by SKAR 2017, a plan that also includes a real estate strategy. You can download it here.

Policy principles SKAR

Rotterdam is flourishing, and has success. One of the reasons for this was a creative sector that gets a lot of opportunities. And by a large supply of affordable workspace for this sector.

With the success of the city, the demand for affordable space is also increasing. Rotterdam needs more good and affordable workspaces for the creative sector. Despite its contribution to the city's success, it remains dependent on low prices. After all, the value that the creative sector has for the city does not yet translate into a higher income for that sector, according to research by Statistics Netherlands and the SER.

But the availability of space is decreasing. The value of real estate is rising, and so are its prices. As in so many cities, the long-term success of the creative sector threatens to drive the sector out of the city itself. SKAR currently has a waiting list that is almost double the amount of studios on offer. It will grow as real estate becomes less vacant. SKAR must therefore increase the number of places it manages if it is to continue to meet its objectives.

It's not just about quantity: a next step in thinking about workplaces is needed, with a focus on how to increase opportunities for creative production. Artists and designers not only create, they contribute to economic productivity. For example, because part of the production is outsourced, and because it has to be sold. Artists and designers need places that suit them, what they do and how they can market their work. Places that also enable them to move with the market. Both designers and artists are part of a chain of creative production and sales. Giving more attention to that chain increases the chances of success for the creative sector - for the entire chain. SKAR therefore wants to invest not only in individual studios, but also in places that give space to creative production and make the conditions for scaling up more favourable.

SKAR wants to work together to get all this done, with the city and with parties with a heart for the city. This means that SKAR not only rents out studios and workspaces, but also looks closely at where it can add value to the city. Rotterdam's neighbourhoods need artists and creative entrepreneurs who fit in with what is or can come. Places where artists and designers can create valuable work. And where they can add value to the area. Not only temporarily, but also permanently, so that part of that value can also reach them. And they need space to meet, inside the studio buildings and outside.


SKAR was founded in 1987. The name stands for Stichting KunstAccommodatie Rotterdam. We help the creative sector to find good, affordable workplaces. We do this on a tailor-made basis: we look for the right tenants for each building. At the same time we help the municipality or real estate organisations to find a good (temporary) destination for their premises. With our buildings we contribute to the value of the neighbourhood.

Annual reports

Download our annual reports:


Incubators Rotterdam BV

The Chamber of Commerce number of Stichting Kunstaccommodatie Rotterdam is 41130164.

The RSIN or tax number of SKAR is 009846694.

Remuneration policy

SKAR's remuneration policy follows the legal position regulations of the Municipality of Rotterdam.


SKAR's board consists of six members:

  • T.C.M. Neeleman (chairman)
  • P. Maas (secretary/treasurer)
  • L. Klinkenberg (general board member)
  • Corné Bok (general board member)
  • Cihan Bugdaci (general board member)
  • Alexandra Danopoulos (general board member)

The board members are unremunerated. They are appointed for a period of 4 years with a maximum extension of 4 years.

Atelier committee

The atelier committee advises the director of SKAR on the allocation of the studios and workspaces.
It does this by periodically reviewing criteria for the allocation of work and studio spaces;

  • by assessing whether tenants meet these criteria;
  • by assessing whether the criteria are still adequate.

The atelier committee is also a think tank for the director with regard to SKAR's policy:

  • by advising on how the significance of SKAR for the target group is optimal;
  • by advising on how the significance of SKAR for the city is optimal;
  • by evaluating annually the developments in SKAR's policy plan;
  • by evaluating the four-year policy plan and advising on a follow-up.

Criteria Workshop Committee

SKAR is there for artists, designers and other creative entrepreneurs:

  • not be able to find an adequate workplace in the commercial market;
  • be professional, but not market driven.

Who's considered professional:

  • anyone registered with the Centrum Beeldende Kunst (or an art institute that applies similar professional criteria);
  • Anyone who is recognised as an artist or creative entrepreneur on the basis of vocational training and education, professional activities and/or recognition by third parties.

Which is considered not market driven:

  • activities, work or products whose primary objective is to maximise content and not profit;
  • activities, work or products that arise from an attitude as an artist or creative entrepreneur.

When is the artist or creative entrepreneur not able to rent on the commercial market:

  • if her/his turnover does not allow her/him to finance an adequate commercial workspace-if she/he is unable to practise her/his artistry or creative entrepreneurship without adequate workspace.

The Atelier Committee consists of five members:

  • Jan Melis (Chairman)
  • Anna Ramsair, visual artist, sociologist
  • Indirah Tauwnaar, inclusion policy/program maker and choreographer
  • Maurice Specht, business leader Buitenplaats Brienenoord, initiator Reading Room West
  • Yin Yin Wong, graphic designer, visual artist



Olof van de Wal is director of SKAR. He also holds other positions in Rotterdam Culture.

- co-chairman Directors' Consultation of Rotterdam art institutions
- core team member Transition Culture
in 2021 member of the think tank New Deal Culture